Tuesday, September 8, 2009

First Things First

Ok, so I really biffed it on the whole "Last 7 Days in B'Ham" posts. I'll just sum up. Packed. Cleaned. Packed. Went whale watching. Packed. Pictures to follow, but first...

On to other things. As I was closing up my seller's account at a local consignment shop, this little number kicked my shins and pulled my hair to get my attention, and threatened my dog's life if I were to have without it:

This is my motivation. Yes, it's a size 10, and yes I haven't been a size 10 in seven years, but I have faith.
And faith is now coming in a cute little strapless dress. After we move, Derrel and I have 100% dedication to getting back to a reasonable weight (though, as I write this, Derrel is already waffling down to 99%).

I'm counting on you, inanimate blog, to hold us accountable.

Operation Sweet Dress: Commence.


berjfaylor said...

That is a totally cute dress! I will hold you accountable if you hold me accountable.

marilou said...

Very cute dress! BUT who goes on a diet with your cruise and the Holidays approaching????? But I'll join in w/you!!

Stacy said...

cuuuute. how's that all going?