Thursday, July 31, 2008


I DID try a chocolate cream pie shake from our new Sonic. For those of you that truly appreciate the magic and pure joy of the traditional chocolate shake, I would not recommend it. The crumbs of crust on the top helped slightly, but it could not completely compensate for the overall lack-luster of the cream pie shake.

When did everyone cross over to selling half-shake, half-whipped abominations?

God bless you, In-N-Out. May you never be changed by the corruption of this world.

Week in Review: Volume....

I made a bold move today. As I stuck my lean cuisine in the microwave for dinner, I found myself staring into the dreamy eyes of a double-layer chocolate cake and was able to say, "No,
I will NOT have a fourth piece of cake." It was an awakening. Some people have will power, some people have three pieces of cake.

In other news, we haven't posted in a while. Derrel's wrapping up a three-game homestand tonight, while I'm entering into day two of my anti-gym homestand. Let's see...other things I'm failing at. I've decided to try to memorize some Bible verses that were brought up during the Women Discipling Women conference a few weekends ago ( a truly convicting weekend slash blessed time with my sister). I picked some that would humble and encourage me where I'm most frustrated, so they've been taped to my computer monitor at work (the tape wouldn't stick to Satchmo's fur). One of the most encouraging has been Matthew 6: 33-34. And no I won't write out what that is.
Open your Bible....DO IT.

We went to San Diego last weekend for Derrel's birthday and had a good time. We saw Phantom of the Opera, went to Sea World, and ate at Benihanas. Best part of the weekend? Being asked TWICE in one day if we were newlyweds. Ok, yes, we're only 6 months in (as of last Friday!), but one of the goals of our marriage is to make people sick for years to come. It's lofty, but something we can really commit to. Plus, my husband just got glasses...prepare yourself for squishy overload, people.

Other than that there's not much that's new. I could tell you what happened on last night's Seinfeld rerun but I won't.
Turn on TBS...DO IT.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Everyone's got coping mechanisms. When I'm in a bad mood and at work (not a coincidence), I always take up refuge in the ol' Baby NRM blog. It's really hard to watch the photographic progression of Nathan's almost two years on this planet and not think about the blessings that God gives us everyday.

I've had a lack o' Nathan since...hmm...the end of May and, despite my doctor's recommendations, New Picture Wednesday isn't making the cut. So here are my non-Wednesday favorites that are helping me bide time until the little guy's birthday in August.

Is this the same kid?
Too much fun indeed.
Our little Chris Farley.

Love you kiddo.

Monday, July 14, 2008

I can't remember what I left in San Francisco...

...but I went back to look for it anyway.
For the 4th of July Derrel and I headed up to the Bay Area to take in a Giants/ Dodgers game (that night, it happened to be the Giants' game). We also had Dim Sum for the first time, which Rodney was so considerate as to come out and introduce us to (you rock dude). After that we hit the Exploratorium. I'm not sure for exactly what purpose they had freaky purple masks, but we saw an opportunity, and took it.

Then, just this past weekend, I returned with a friend of mine to celebrate her birthday. This involved a 6 mile bike ride (not too daunting until you remember what SaN fRaNcIsCo is like), and a Swedish fondue restaurant with other friends. The restaurant was amazing. They had 13 different kinds of cheese. I'm not sure what gruyere is...but it was pretty good. That's right, family, I tried stuff that I had never even heard of before. Can I get a booyah?

The last picture is of our newly engaged friends Adrienne and Cat Stevens (a.k.a. Yusef Islam, or Anthony). Anthony is starting law school this fall, so Adrienne has to marry him for at least one guaranteed day of time with him (and 200 of their closest friends).

The weather was so gorgeous up there. I knew we were close to home on our seven-hour trip when I stepped outside at the gas station and thought, "Yep..this really sucks."

Home, sweet home.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Free Headsets for your Cell Phone beats the $40 bluetooth.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Those Burned Bras are Rolling in their Ashes

I had the pleasure of meeting my husband for lunch today at a little sandwich shop by my office. We were wasting away to All My Children when someone (finally) changed the channel. When the channel-flipping stopped, all I saw was cleavage, then thick lip gloss and...wait, what was that? California's on fire? From the flesh buffet that laid before us (which did not mesh well with my chicken salad), it took a wee bit to realize we were watching the news.

It got me a little fired up. There went Derrel's peaceful lunch with his wife.

You know, between Katie Courics' "great legs" and the cover charge viewers have to pay to join Gillian and Co. in the apparent club scene that is Good Morning LA, we have to wonder: have women come all that far? I would not consider myself a feminist, unless thinking that women should be respected by others and, more importantly, by themselves, is a radical feminist idea. That being said, it seems as though the women of the most recent generations have completely diluted themselves into thinking that showing off their body (all of their body, these days) and having promiscuous relations makes them a strong, independent woman. I know I've written about this before, but I haven't fixed the problem yet, so I'll blog on.

It seems to me that the women who started the feminist movement would be disgusted. The Susan B. Anthony's who first started the fight for women's rights would be extremely disappointed. Are we just too lazy to keep making strides? I'm not saying we should be spending every evening preparing our protest signs for the next day, nor should we encourage any animosity towards men ( I kinda like my husband, actually), because it's no longer just their fault that things are the way they are.

Women (the 2 that are reading this) I charge you with this: stop watching those news channels. I think that evening news is often a waste of possible Seinfeld time anyway, but if you are a 5:00 news viewer, look for something else. I feel, if ratings went down for some of these shows, the industry may start to learn the maybe sex doesn't sell. Maybe when people watch the news they are looking for information, not Girls Gone Wild with a teleprompter.

Just a thought.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Though the Webster-Merriam dictionary may not hold as much clout as it used to (the year it added "uber" to the dictionary it lost my respect), they still feel the need to annually add words to the dictionary. Webster-Merriam swore in 100 words yesterday. Here are some of my favorites:

Fanboy (1919): boy who is an enthusiastic devotee, such as of comics or movies
Also known as "single". Fanboy just sounds like a bad email address. If I ever wrote it, I'd feel the need to add a "96" or something at the end.
Actually, Derrel is an Anchorman fanboy. Well.........
This is awkward.

Mental health day (1971): day that an employee takes off from work to relieve stress or renew vitality
Soon to be followed by "Bad Hair Day", and "I Can't Fit Into My Favorite Pants Day". I'll
keep my fingers crossed for the 2009 Webster Word Draft. Show me a person that only
needs one day to recuperate from job-related stress, and I'll show you someone that has
only worked one day in their life.

Mondegreen (1954): word or phrase that results from a mishearing of something said or sung. From the mishearing in a Scottish ballad of "laid him on the green" as "Lady Mondegreen."
I actually like this one. The other example that was given was the Creedence Clearwater
tune "there's a bad moon on the rise," also loving known as "there's a bathroom on the
right." I think the Dave Matthews Band should release a cutting-edge spoken word album
entitled Mondegreen. Can't understand a word that guy says.

AP only had a few of the new additions published, so we'll have to look a little deeper to figure out which words are stupefying and which are just plain stupid. One thing is for sure. With the help of Webster-Merriam, we can fend off the threat of Orwell's Newspeak.

Crisis averted.