Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Those Burned Bras are Rolling in their Ashes

I had the pleasure of meeting my husband for lunch today at a little sandwich shop by my office. We were wasting away to All My Children when someone (finally) changed the channel. When the channel-flipping stopped, all I saw was cleavage, then thick lip gloss and...wait, what was that? California's on fire? From the flesh buffet that laid before us (which did not mesh well with my chicken salad), it took a wee bit to realize we were watching the news.

It got me a little fired up. There went Derrel's peaceful lunch with his wife.

You know, between Katie Courics' "great legs" and the cover charge viewers have to pay to join Gillian and Co. in the apparent club scene that is Good Morning LA, we have to wonder: have women come all that far? I would not consider myself a feminist, unless thinking that women should be respected by others and, more importantly, by themselves, is a radical feminist idea. That being said, it seems as though the women of the most recent generations have completely diluted themselves into thinking that showing off their body (all of their body, these days) and having promiscuous relations makes them a strong, independent woman. I know I've written about this before, but I haven't fixed the problem yet, so I'll blog on.

It seems to me that the women who started the feminist movement would be disgusted. The Susan B. Anthony's who first started the fight for women's rights would be extremely disappointed. Are we just too lazy to keep making strides? I'm not saying we should be spending every evening preparing our protest signs for the next day, nor should we encourage any animosity towards men ( I kinda like my husband, actually), because it's no longer just their fault that things are the way they are.

Women (the 2 that are reading this) I charge you with this: stop watching those news channels. I think that evening news is often a waste of possible Seinfeld time anyway, but if you are a 5:00 news viewer, look for something else. I feel, if ratings went down for some of these shows, the industry may start to learn the maybe sex doesn't sell. Maybe when people watch the news they are looking for information, not Girls Gone Wild with a teleprompter.

Just a thought.


Stacy said...

done and done...

Don't even get me started on Bob the builder's questionable co-worker.

We'll maintain our steady diet of big moe, thank you very much.

Sharon said...

looks like I'm the second woman to read this :-)

The "Becoming Jane" dvd I watched the other day had an interview with one of the actors talking about how terrible women had it back then -- arranged marriages, no independence, etc. My thought was: "and it's so much better today when women have to prostitute themselves to get a man to fall in love with them?" (well, of course, they don't HAVE to, but thats what it looks like out in the world.) point is I agree. The feminists have created a monster. But, really, I think all they wanted to do was legalize abortion. As long as they have that they're happy.

berjfaylor said...

Oh look, three women! You are reaching out and being heard! I completely agree. I since you brought up Gillian, what woman says, 'I was fat!' when she's PREGNANT? I mean yea we say it, but we don't go out and diet because we think pregnancy is something shameful. I hate that 'woman.' I think you rock.

Unknown said...

four women...the audience is growing. amen and amen to the comments, and while we're at it can we convince a fashion designer or two to design something both modest and attractive? I'd like something in-between grandma and woman of the night.

marilou said...

and to think I thought I was one of the two!
I gotta tell you, I could write my own article on this subject (between being the first to wear a pantsuit to work in the Lake County Board of Supervisors office to being hired in my first California job because "You have great legs) but will defer to your far-more talented script. However, (as in most things) the pendulum does swing a bit too far at times. There are really far more modest women out there than there are the immodest. I wait to watch the 10PM's far more professional and I'm not gagging thru it!