Saturday, October 17, 2009

Mid Columbia Duck Race

This video is brought to you by our new Canon Powershot. Woo hoo!!
Because Facebook can't handle the awesome girth of this video, I'm forced to post it here, where only a small number of the population can appreciate it. So you better appreciate the heck out of it.


berjfaylor said...

What the heck is that???? Rubber duckies? for what purpose? You northerners are so weird! :)

Bec said...

For what purpose?! Because they can! Thats why! I do say, that is pretty darn cool. :)

Unknown said...

Awesome. Here's a related pic from Sacramento (not taken by me):

Stacy said...

love it!

i only wish the river weren't so dang big...the little duckies lose their, i don't know, what ever they had going for them....that.