Sunday, October 19, 2008

Proud Parents

Satchmo (and his folks) had his first dog park experience this weekend at Lake Padden. We were a little nervous about cutting him loose in this suprisingly large field with all the other kids but, after some initial nervousness, he made a lot of new friends.

In all honestly, it was actually a pretty sweet experience to just watch him play with other dogs. At one point, he got an opportunity to show off his mad frisbee skills in front of his playmates. Lake Padden also has a "dog water exercise area," which we had to take advantage of. Ever since I first saw Satchy diving for toys at the bottom of grandma and grandpa's pool I've been anxious to see how he does with non-man-made bodies of a... lake.

Hmm...wait a minute.


Unknown said...

Aw, happy dog! Looks like a cool park too!

marilou said...

We miss him too oh guys too! :-)

berjfaylor said...

Too cute! So when do I get to see more from you? Huh? I want to come up there. Sometime in the summer. Is that good for you? Well it has to be otherwise I will be on your frony porch yelling your name til you come out or til the cops come to tell me to leave. Well, needless to say, I miss you!